Look and Find what i've done. 분류 전체보기 (72) Painting (59) Oil pastel (49) Drawing (4) Oil painting (6) Exhibition (5) Current (2) Past (3) Life (6) 화이트블루그린옐로우[white blue green yellow] 화이트블루그린옐로우[white blue green yellow] 72.5cm x 60.5cm crayon on paper 어디 카레만 노란가[Is curry the only yellow?] 어디 카레만 노란가[Is curry the only yellow?] 72.5cm x 60.5cm crayon on paper 지나간 파랑 [passed blue] 지나간 파랑 [passed blue] 90.9cm x 72.7cm oil pastel on paper 2018 태풍이 지나고 [After the typhoon,] 태풍이 지나고 [After the typhoon,] 89.5cm x 52.5cm oil pastel on paper 2018 오후 4시 40분 [ PM 4:40 ] 오후 4시 40분 [ PM 4:40 ] 89.5cm x 52.5cm oil pastel on paper 2018 바라보기 [To look at] 바라보기 [To look at] 25.7cm × 18.2cm color pencil on paper 2017 개인적인 빛 III [personal light III] 개인적인 빛 III [personal light III] 25.7cm × 18.2cm oil pastel on paper 2017 개인적인 빛 II [personal light II] 개인적인 빛 II [personal light II] 25.7cm × 18.2cm oil pastel on paper 2017 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 다음 티스토리툴바 yesterday구독하기