I collect the moments of my life through the oil pastel
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Oil pastel 불 붙이기 전을 기억하는 사람이 몇이나 있을까?
Oil pastel 태풍이 지나고 [After the typhoon,]
Oil pastel 경계에 의미가 있는가
Oil pastel 어디 카레만 노란가[Is curry the only yellow?]
Oil pastel 비록 힘들겠지만
Oil pastel 그 날의 온도 [the temperature of the day]
Oil pastel 물 아래 [under the water]
Oil pastel 덮여지고는, 이제 [covered up, and then]
Oil pastel 오후 5시 [PM 5:00]
Oil pastel yesterday
Oil pastel yesterday
Oil pastel yesterday
Oil pastel yesterday
Oil pastel yesterday
Oil pastel 화이트블루그린옐로우[white blue green yellow]
Oil pastel 너가 왜 거기서 나와 [Why are you getting out of there?]
Oil pastel 고속도로 창 밖 [outside the highway window]
Oil pastel 비 온 다음 [after the rain]
Oil pastel 창 밖 [outside the window]
Oil pastel 별거 없는 하늘 [a plain sky]
Oil pastel 개인적인 빛 [personal light]
Oil pastel 개인적인 빛 III [personal light III]
Oil pastel 개인적인 빛 II [personal light II]
Oil pastel 앞이 아니라 [not in front of]
Oil pastel 지나간 파랑 [passed blue]
Oil pastel 소-파 [ so-far(sofa) ]
Oil pastel 오후 4시 40분 [ PM 4:40 ]
Oil pastel 파란 흐름 [blue flow]
Oil pastel 겹겹이 쌓여 [lay in layers]
Oil pastel 저 속에는 [in there]
Oil pastel 나무로부터 [from the tree]
Look and Find what i've done.